At UCIMED we are committed to responsible management of our operation, for which we work to integrate social responsibility as part of our business model. We oversee impacts on social, economic and environmental dimensions for its proper management.
Likewise, as a higher education institution we understand that the relationship with society is fundamental to our institutional work. Therefore we contribute to development and well-being of different populations by seeking joint solutions in health and educational issues.
UCIMED is promoting changes in regards to eating habits and physical activity in the community of León XII in Tibás.
Training program for migrant women
With the aim of strengthening knowledge in Mathematics, Biology and Chemistry, UCIMED offers free classes to college students.
We have strategic allies that help us promote social impact initiatives, including: Central Government, local governments, health centers, companies, NGOs, the banking sector, universities and private companies.
UCIMED belongs to alliances involved in sustainability initiatives that contribute to sustainable development.
We are deeply aware of the consequences of our actions on the environment, that is why we integrate environmental management as one of the key axes in sustainability under a continuous improvement model.
By 2022, we have renewed for the second consecutive year our environmental commitment by obtaining the Ecological Blue Flag award for Climate Change, and we are aiming towards a carbon neutral operation.
As a responsible organization, our main challenge is to ensure our sustainability in the long term through an ethical and transparent management of our operation that integrates the analysis of social, environmental and governance risks. Upon identification and prioritization of risks, we focus on establishing plans to close gaps in critical issues.
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Your future, the beginning of a life-changing education, begins the moment you enter the UCIMED campus. Discover everything we have to offer with your own eyes.
Da el primer paso hacia un futuro de excelencia profesional al adentrarte en el campus de UCIMED. Descubrí todo lo que tenemos para vos durante una Visita Guiada. ¡Tu camino hacia una educación de primera que cambiará tu vida, comienza aquí!