Open Enrollment | MedicineMicrobiologyPharmacyNutritionPhysiotherapy

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45 years of excellence.

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Bachelor of Microbiology and Clinical Chemistry


Bachelor of Pharmacy


Bachelor in Human Nutrition


Bachelor of Physiotherapy


Bachelor of Medical Sciences

Campus tour

Our campus tour allows future students to obtain more information about the main characteristics of our institution, enrollment, tuition fees and financial support. It’s also the best way to learn about the different opportunities they will have to build an outstanding professional resume.

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Access our campus through a guided tour!

Your future, the beginning of a life-changing education, begins the moment you enter the UCIMED campus. Discover everything we have to offer with your own eyes.

¡Accedé a nuestro campus mediante un
tour guiado!

Da el primer paso hacia un futuro de excelencia profesional al adentrarte en el campus de UCIMED. Descubrí todo lo que tenemos para vos durante una Visita Guiada. ¡Tu camino hacia una educación de primera que cambiará tu vida, comienza aquí!

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