An accredited degree has to fulfill with different standards of quality both national and international.
The professorial body has to be identified with the institution. Professors must have exceptional ethical and moral values, as well as a strong commitment.
All of the professors of an accredited degree must be trained in teaching methods for universities.
Professors need to promote ethical and moral values in their students that reflect on their skill acquisition, dexterity and proficiency of the discipline itself.
A fully accredited degree has to offer a space where students can learn about their rights, duties, and also seek for a better relationship with their professors. That is why UCIMED created the Student Life department.
All of the administrative areas are required to provide stable and constant support for self evaluation processes.
After an accreditation process, the institution has to commit to the development of a constant culture of self-evaluation. At UCIMED, multiple periodic reports are executed by the registry department as well as student surveys with the purpose of bettering our programs and their topics.
Institutions with accredited programs must commit to offer alumni a community, continuing education courses, and social spaces.
Our registry and merchandising departments are doing outstanding work promoting UCIMED as a prestigious institution with a national and international scientific projection by organizing activities that showcase the university to the population.
From the first semester, our students take theoretical-practical courses that allow them to acquire knowledge in recipe modification, project development and to get in touch with communities.
100% of our students carry out professional practices in all areas of nutrition such as: Food services, health areas, hospitals and communities.
Our courses have more effective class hours, which means that you will have more time to cover the subject. This allows you greater understanding and analysis of the contents.
50% of the subjects at the undergraduate level have an entrepreneurship focus and 44% of our graduates are entrepreneurs.
Graduates from our Faculty of Nutrition can work in the following work fields:
An accredited degree has to fulfill with different standards of quality both national and international.
The professorial body has to be identified with the institution. Professors must have exceptional ethical and moral values, as well as a strong commitment.
All of the professors of an accredited degree must be trained in teaching methods for universities.
Professors need to promote ethical and moral values in their students that reflect on their skill acquisition, dexterity and proficiency of the discipline itself.
A fully accredited degree has to offer a space where students can learn about their rights, duties, and also seek for a better relationship with their professors. That is why UCIMED created the Student Life department.
All of the administrative areas are required to provide stable and constant support for self evaluation processes.
After an accreditation process, the institution has to commit to the development of a constant culture of self-evaluation. At UCIMED, multiple periodic reports are executed by the registry department as well as student surveys with the purpose of bettering our programs and their topics.
Institutions with accredited programs must commit to offer alumni a community, continuing education courses, and social spaces.
Our registry and merchandising departments are doing outstanding work promoting UCIMED as a prestigious institution with a national and international scientific projection by organizing activities that showcase the university to the population.
From the first semester, our students take theoretical-practical courses that allow them to acquire knowledge in recipe modification, project development and to get in touch with communities.
100% of our students carry out professional practices in all areas of nutrition such as: Food services, health areas, hospitals and communities.
Our courses have more effective class hours, which means that you will have more time to cover the subject. This allows you greater understanding and analysis of the contents.
50% of the subjects at the undergraduate level have an entrepreneurship focus and 44% of our graduates are entrepreneurs.
Graduates from our Faculty of Nutrition can work in the following work fields:
Kaplan Medical, is the leader in preparing for the USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Examination) exams. USMLE Prep Costa Rica (at UCIMED) is the local agency of KAPLAN Medical.
USMLE Prep Costa Rica (at UCIMED) is aimed for advanced medical students from any university or graduate doctors.
All our courses are adjusted to the needs of each person in order to achieve the best results. The objective is to provide quality preparation with the best didactic material, trained teachers and personal advice, which will allow the student to obtain a high grade in the admission exams requested in the process of opting for a medical residency in the U.S.A or a license to practice medicine.
5-day face-to-face course, plus the option of one day to take an additional exam. It is a complete preparation, where the doctor will be oriented regarding the development of clinical histories, time management and treatment of the patient.
We are the leading Health Sciences university of Central America. Our academic team, state-of-the-art technology and global support make a real difference.
Enroll in UCIMED and graduate among the best.
Our admissions team will be able to guide you in the admission process to UCIMED, in addition, advise you on study plans, forms of financing and student life.
Leave your information here to contact the Admissions Department.
Our physiotherapy clinic is equipped with all the latest technology and resources to serve the general public and allow our students to practice and learn in a real environment.
The Institute for Research in Medical Sciences, IICIMED, is the leader in private medical research. We develop research to analyze and improve health among the population.
Our Center for the development of analysis and advice for the industry, ensures the quality and reliability of the analysis, as well as support for the implementation of regulatory requirements, in fields such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and veterinary.
In the UCIMED Clinical Laboratory, general analyzes are carried out (lipid profile, glycemia, complete blood count, prostate antigen, etc.), profiles and diagnostic tests.
The Scientific Ethics Committee is in charge of protecting the rights, interests and safety of biomedical research participants, complying with the national and international regulatory framework that governs this activity.
Our graduates have the prestige and support of the leading university in Health Sciences and dozens of generations of graduated professionals leading the industry.
The recognition and prestige of UCIMED crosses borders. Our academy has relationships, agreements and certifications recognized in 4 continents. Enabling its students and graduates to stand out globally.
Our campus tour allows future students to obtain more information about the main characteristics of our institution, enrollment, tuition fees and financial support. It’s also the best way to learn about the different opportunities they will have to build an outstanding professional resume.
¡Completá el formulario y recibí información detallada de nuestros programas!
Your future, the beginning of a life-changing education, begins the moment you enter the UCIMED campus. Discover everything we have to offer with your own eyes.
Debés realizar un proceso de admisión muy sencillo. Solo tenés que:
Este formulario consta de 6 módulos, donde deberás:
a. Indicar información básica
b. Adjuntar documentación (Título de secundaria, notas de sus dos últimos años de estudios, cédula y foto)
c. Indicar información general de salud
d. Seleccionar tu opción de financiamiento
e. Hacer una breve prueba de lógica de 15 preguntas
f. Adjuntar un ensayo en Word de 250 palabras sobre:
“Las 3 razones que te movieron a estudiar tu carrera”.
Una vez que ya estés admitido en nuestra institución, el siguiente paso es la formalización de tu matrícula. Para ello, es necesario que presentés en el departamento de Registro:
En caso de ser menor de edad, debés venir con un adulto responsable. El proceso de formalización de matrícula para estudiantes de primer ingreso es presencial. Por otra parte, con la finalidad de contribuir con el aprendizaje, UCIMED brinda un Curso de Técnicas de Estudio la semana previa al ingreso a clases. Este curso es gratuito y de carácter obligatorio.
De no poder matricular en el semestre para el cual realizaste el proceso de admisión, podés realizar el proceso de “congelamiento”, el cual consiste en presentar una carta ante la Dirección de Estudios, indicando el motivo por el cual no podrás matricular. Este proceso se puede realizar solo por un semestre, si vas a matricular hasta 1 año después de haber realizado el proceso de admisión, tendrás que realizarlo nuevamente. El teléfono de la Dirección de Estudios es (506) 2549-0000 (Ext. 1104).
Debés realizar un proceso de admisión muy sencillo. Solo tenés que:
Este formulario consta de 6 módulos, donde deberás:
a. Indicar información básica
b. Adjuntar documentación
(Título de secundaria, notas de sus dos últimos años de estudios, cédula y foto).
c. Indicar información general de salud
d. Seleccionar tu opción de financiamiento
e. Hacer una breve prueba de lógica de 15 preguntas
f. Adjuntar un ensayo en Word de 250 palabras sobre
“Las 3 razones que te movieron a estudiar tu carrera”.
Notas importantes:
a. El título de secundaria debe presentarse con apostilla y homologación del Ministerio de Educación Pública de Costa Rica.
b. La certificación de notas de los últimos dos años de secundaria también deberá presentarse con apostilla y traducido al español, en caso de estar en otro idioma, por traductor oficial registrado en el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto de Costa Rica (verificar en este link).
Una vez que ya estés admitido en nuestra institución, el siguiente paso es la formalización de tu matrícula. Para ello, es necesario que presentés en el departamento de Registro:
En caso de ser menor de edad, debés venir con un adulto responsable. El proceso de formalización de matrícula para estudiantes de primer ingreso es presencial. Por otra parte, con la finalidad de contribuir con el aprendizaje, UCIMED brinda un Curso de Técnicas de Estudio la semana previa al ingreso a clases. Este curso es gratuito y de carácter obligatorio.
De no poder matricular en el semestre para el cual realizaste el proceso de admisión, podés realizar el proceso de “congelamiento”, el cual consiste en presentar una carta ante la Dirección de Estudios, indicando el motivo por el cual no podrás matricular. Este proceso se puede realizar solo por un semestre, si vas a matricular hasta 1 año después de haber realizado el proceso de admisión, tendrás que realizarlo nuevamente. El teléfono de la Dirección de Estudios es (506) 2549-0000 (Ext. 1104).