Contract Administration Organization (OAC) that carries out biomedical research with the greatest efficiency, adhering to the highest ethical and scientific standards, generating quality information and guaranteeing the safety of people.
To make Costa Rica once again the leading country in the region in the generation and production of scientific research.
The Medical Sciences Research Institute offers all the support services required by research sites for the development of biomedical research.
At IICIMED we are here to serve our patients and the scientific community of Costa Rica and the region, so it will be a pleasure if you contact us through the following means.
Telephone: +(506) 2296-0100
Email: [email protected]
Address: De la Pops de Sabana, 400 meters west, Building 3 UCIMED
San Jose Costa Rica.
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Your future, the beginning of a life-changing education, begins the moment you enter the UCIMED campus. Discover everything we have to offer with your own eyes.