UCIMED istheleadingUniversityofHealthSciences in theregion. Over 45 yearsofexperience and thousandsofgraduates in thehealthservice, wedemonstratewhatittakesto lead. Wetranscendborderstobringexcellencetotheentireworldduetoprovenquality, continuousimprovement, national and internationalcertifications, UCIMED´sacademicmethodology, stateofthe art technology & infrastructure, plus theinternationalsupportof Galileo Global Education, oneofthelargestacademiccorporations in theworld.
StudentsfromLatinAmerica, North America and Europehavetrusted UCIMED tobecomeleaders in health. Ourfaculty at UCIMED, are leaders in theirfield, and alsoeducators, innovators, and mentorsusingthebesttechnologytoshapethenextgenerationofhealthprofessionals, physicians and researchers.
Forus, qualityisexcellence, 100% ofourmajors are accreditedbythe Costa Rica´sNationalSystemofAccreditation and our Medicine Programwasthefirst in Costa Rica accreditedinternationallybytheMexican Council fortheAccreditationof Medical Education, endorse bytheWorldFederationfor Medical Education. Thatiswhywe can say UCIMED empowersleaders in medicine and healthsciencestosolvehealthcare´sbiggestchallengesaroundtheglobe.
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